Industrial Cadets work simulation programme
In 2010, HRH The Prince of Wales, together with business, acknowledged the need to create a talent pipeline and a skilled future workforce, whilst helping young people to develop the skills they need to enter industry with confidence and become better informed about careers available.
Industrial Cadets is an industry-led accreditation, which allows employers of all sizes to run accredited experiences for young people aged 11-19, in order to support the creation of a talent pipeline for UK industry.
TMUK joined with Industrial Cadets back in March 2015
Here is a brief flavour of the programme:
The 5 day programme (30 hours) takes place at our Burnaston facility and is designed for year 10 (aged 14-15) and takes the form of an experiential work placement. Young people are assessed against a series of competencies and work place behaviours. They get involved in team working activity, completing log books, presentations, whilst accepting a number of challenges along the way.
Pivotal to the week is the understanding of Toyota’s journey, its philosophies and principles that guide TMUK today. Young people learn about the similarities between school and the workplace, along with the importance of professional behaviour and good teamwork. A shop-floor tour allows them to see first-hand the Toyota principles in action, as well as the world-renowned Toyota Production System. They see teamwork at its best and view manufacturing processes at the heart of our facility.

The classroom challenge is to build a small car and, to do this, they are set several tasks. This includes understanding the importance of following instructions, reading technical drawings or manuals and working as a team to create standardised work sheets. They are challenged to introduce a production line, understand line balance and calculate takt times (process times). All skills which are transferrable to their school and home life.
Throughout the week, the young people complete a log book of their learning and skills attained, which becomes a great addition to their career portfolio.
Upon successful completion of the week’s activity, the young people receive a nationally recognised Industrial Cadets Silver Award, during a graduation ceremony. The young people create and deliver a presentation of their experience and learning to members of the TMUK management team, along with Industrial Cadets and school representatives. Finally, there is an opportunity for a career discussion with TMUK engineers and apprentices.

Places are limited to a small number of our partner schools. Should you have any queries, please email
Industrial Cadets provides a flexible framework for all sizes of employers to enable them to run accredited workplace experiences. If you are interested in supporting young people to develop the skills they need to give them a valuable workplace experience and a nationally recognised award, email
The Industrial Cadet annual inaugural awards showcase and present Excellence Awards to selected individuals, schools, colleges and employers, whilst also celebrating achievements made by young people who have given something back as a result of taking part in the Industrial Cadets programme.
For Jack, of Murray Park School, Derby, the programme proved to be a turning point in his life, both in terms of his approach and attitude towards his education, giving him stronger direction to pursue a career within Engineering and Manufacturing.
Jack was nominated for an individual award for Industrial Cadet of the Year and shortlisted to the last 4 from 150 nominated cadets – well done Jack, you should be very proud!
Mandy Evans, Education Team at TMUK, was nominated and shortlisted to the last 4 for the Industrial Cadets Changemaker Award. This award celebrates an individual who has made a significant and impactful difference to support the success of the Industrial Cadets initiative.