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Toyota Fund for Europe (TFfE)

TFfE operates at a pan-European level and supports projects that operate across a number of different European countries or regions. TFfE supports projects in the fields where Toyota can join the force with our stakeholders to tackle the issues using our best competence: the environment, road safety and technical education. To find out how to apply for funding, please click on the link below


Our three focus areas


The environment: a holistic approach

At Toyota we recognise that the growth of our business depends on the success of sustainable mobility. This has led us to develop innovative solutions such as the Hybrid Prius and the fuel cell Mirai. We are also aware that tackling environmental issues during the life-cycle of our products is not enough to solve today’s environmental issues.

TFfE helps by building working relationships so that people can share knowledge on environmental solutions available today. Together we can help solve these challenges.


Road safety: a shared responsibility

Mobility is key to the quality of life. Yet traffic accidents throughout Europe claim tens of thousands of lives each year. If vehicles are to continue to be accepted by society, safety issues must be tackled. As a major vehicle manufacturer, we hawse have a clear responsibility to address these safety issues and reduce the number of accidents, injuries and fatalities.

Genuine sustainable mobility requires us to tackle safety by improving vehicles, creating a safer traffic environment, and educating road users to improve behaviour on the roads. This depends on governments, non-profit organisations, educational institutions and vehicle manufacturers working together to create positive change.

TFfE helps by promoting awareness on road safety and promoting solutions regarding vehicle safety, responsible driving attitude and safe road infrastructure.


Education: investing in future generations

Education in general, whether environmental knowledge, Road Safety knowledge or problem solving approaches, is an important skillset for future generations.

Technical Education specifically, is a fundamental skillset that we believe future generations will benefit from, whether it will be used at an automotive manufacturing company or elsewhere. We believe that the level of education and skills will determine future prosperity and sustainability.

TFfE helps by supporting projects where future generations learn about environmental or Road Safety issues and how they can solve them, or projects where Toyota can share its technical knowledge to with future engineers or technicians.

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